The aim of Mind Caddie is for you as a golfer to not drown in information but to take lessons that are applicable to where your game is at and then follow Karl’s advice in the lessons, followed by journalling and scorecard keeping.

If you are unsure how to use Mind Caddie, here are a few suggestions.


The best place to start is the Fundamentals course. Throughout this course, Karl introduces core ideas that are central to everything else found within Mind Caddie.

a) Listen to the lessons

b) Complete the journal exercises set in the lessons

c) Revist this series at least once a season to monitor progress


The day before you play or the morning of, follow these tips.

a) Visit the Discover tab and select ‘Before you Play’

b) Here you can filter the lessons for specific areas of your game, such as driving. Pick a lesson and get some advice to help clear your mind before you play.

c) If you can’t find the specific lesson you need, then click the Discover tab in the menu and use the search bar at the top to find something specific to you.


One recurring theme you will hear throughout Mind Caddie is the theme of commitments. If you haven’t listened to this, it is fundamental. You can find the lesson by going to the Discover tab, searching Commitments, and listen to ‘Commitments for the day’.

a) Visit the Coaching tab, click Journal > Commitments > press the + button >, and make your commitment.

Do this every time before you play. Consistency is key.

Top tip: You can set a push notification reminder to complete these by clicking the ‘🔔 REMIND ME’ in the app and setting the date your are going to be playing



Tracking your mental scorecard is as important as your actual scorecard. This is how some of the best players Karl has worked with keep a track of what they are working on actually translate to the course. Remember, working on your mind is not like working on a swing mechanic, there’s nothing tangible so this is the best thing you have.

a) Visit the Coaching tab, click Mental Scorecard and enter your gross score and mental scores.

b) Save your score to keep track of your progress in the Stats tab.

If you aren’t familiar with this, then read the description or listen to the lesson on how to use the mental scorecard.


There are many journal entries you can make and this is your personal space, but we recommend after every round, preferably the same day, you fill in the Quick Note template.

This allows you to build up a bank of shots that strengthen the mind for future games. Again, if you have followed the Fundamentals course, you will know the importance of journalling which is all backed by science.

a) Coaching tab > Journal > Quick Notes > + sign > complete your entry and press save.


Who doesn’t want to be like Tiger Woods? Well, now you can track the exact same stats the GOAT does.

On the coaching tab you will see the Tiger Five Scorecard. On this screen, you can listen to Karl describing how to use the scorecard or fill your scores in. We have also written a blog post on the Tiger Five here.

Make sure you press save to monitor and track your progress in the Stats tab.

Top tip: You can set a push notification reminder to complete these by clicking the ‘🔔 REMIND ME’ in the app and setting the date your are going to be playing


As mentioned at the top, it is tempting to consume endless amounts of lessons, but knowledge without application is just entertainment, which if that is what you are looking for then great, consume away.

However, if you want to see real change, we suggest you either.

a) Vist the Coaching tab > Training > and work through one of the courses or focus on a specific area of your game.

b) If you don’t have a specific area to work on, then from the Home tab, feel free to listen through some lessons until you find something that resonates with you. Once you have, focus on that area and complete journal entries and scorecard relevant to that.


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